Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tatabánya, Hungary: Ten Day Outreach (10/16 - 10/26)

For this semester's ten day outreach, i went to Tatabánya Hungary. We stayed at a very humbling dormitory with Hungarian and Romanian factory workers and university students, while hosting a rock concert in the basement, which was packed out with about 200 people. We spent time hanging out with youth in the skate park, while hosting activities and playing music (as seen in pic above), visited, taught and preformed music at an English club and also played music, taught and facilitated discussion at a local High School. We next visited a retirement home, where we performed a prodigal son skit. Very blessed time indeed!!!

Please pray for Pr. Janni and Pr. Matt who are planting a church in this town; for their families, provision, laborers and for the community of Tatabábanya)!

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