Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Split Croatia 10 Day Outreach; Spring 09

10 days in Split:

Split was an experience for sure. Most of our time was spent in the following ways:

1) Spent time with youth who frequent the coffee shop.

2) Trips into town to meet and converse with local youth and invite them back for coffee.

3) Assisted running the coffee shop that Calvary Chapel Split Croatia owns/operates.

4) Construction work at the coffee shop; painting, sanding & staining the spiral stairs, etc.

5) Hosted an open mic night.

Testimony: "stolen goods."

After walking a friend home with three people from my team, I approached a group of about 5 rough looking teenage boys. The alpha of the gang seemed to be in the process of fixing his scooter, while giving me about half of his attention as i verbally engaged he and his posse. Before sharing the good news with these lads, i began w/ the bad news by giving the good person test; ie- comparing oneself to the 10 commandments, while admitting my own failure to keep God's law. The leader replied with honesty and said, “sure, I’ve stolen thousands of times.” He then looked over his shoulder and then grabbed his lighter, running it over the front of the ignition socket. I suddenly discerned what was happening as he began to pry the front of the scooter off. He then speedily walked off with the aid of an accomplice to stash his newly stolen goods.

We began to pray for this young man and his friends and moments later he surprisingly returned to finish the conversation; it was so random but felt miraculous that he would return, yet perhaps he was perplexed that a person would talk to him about steeling in the process of his transgression of this civil and moral law. Robbery seemed to be so second nature to this lad, that he didn't seem to think anything of it.

We talked with the boys for about 45 minutes about the love of Christ, co-mingled with His justice, and substitutionary death and also about religion vs relationship with God. Seemed like most of these kids could really benefit much more from a mentor rather then a theological conversation from bible college students, but when your on the move, that's how it goes and God's word never returns void.

Please pray for:

  • For this young lad and his friends.
  • Scattered seed dropped in Split Croatia.
  • Tim and Grace's team of 7 that are living/serving/church planting in Split Croatia.

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