Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day Trip To Budapest

I was invited to join a group who were heading into Budapest two weeks ago. The driver up front is Benson who wanted to vote; he's from this Budapest and is crew chief on my maintenance team. Bondi (backseat) is from Ukraine & also on my maintenance crew. He needed to catch a train in Budapest to visit his home. Kristina (backseat left) was meeting up with her family who live in the Budapest. I myself just wanted to get out of the castle and check out Calvary Chapel Budapest/the city.

Calvary Chapel Budapest (pronounced Budapeshd; as s sounds like sh) was planted about 12 years ago and currently has about 800-1000 people who attend weekly. The church rents out an abandoned movie theater as you can see from the above pics- they definatly pack that building tight. They had a baptism service that weekend and it was blessed be immersed in the culture of this very international church/city.

The older couple in front of the theater were attendees of CC Budapest...

To note in the above pics:
1) The 2 pics of the city (above) are what you see if your back is to the theater
2) the coffee shop (bottom pic) is within the theater...

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