Saturday, December 12, 2009

Greece Pics from Sept 2009...

The top four pics are at Phillipi, the fifth is the city of Kavala (a.k.a. Neopolis of Acts 16:11; the first city in Europe that the Apostle Paul went to), the sixth pic is at our camp site in the district of Thessaloniki (time of worship facing the Mediterranean and then Pr. Phil read 1st Thessalonians), and the final three pics are in the city of Thessaloniki.

Amazing bus rise there and back. We had some great opportunities to meet kids from the former Yugoslavia at the long boarder lines, who were on school trips down to Greece. I learned so much from listening to what life was like for them, and it was funny to hear all the stereotypes they had heard about American. Serbia was so beautiful and Macedonia really reminded me of highway 101 in California with it's many vineyards and rolling hills; go figure!

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